
Demigod test
Demigod test

It is around this time that they are escorted to Camp Half-Blood usually by satyrs, where they are placed in one of the cabins, each honoring a different god or goddess. If the child never learns that they are a demigod or they are a child of a minor god, monsters may overlook them. Also, if the demigod is a child of a powerful god, the scent can become even stronger. At this time, demigods will release a scent that monsters are able to detect and this scent will become stronger if the child learns they are a demigod. When a demigod reaches a certain age, normally early teens, their powers start to manifest. Apollo, a male god, is also capable of having children with mortal males, but the specifics of how this works are not mentioned. It is unknown if other virgin goddesses or gods in general have a special way to have children like Athena. In this way, Athena remains a virgin goddess and it reflects how she herself was born, sprouting from the head of Zeus.

demigod test

While most demigods are created much like regular humans, children of Athena are born from their mother's thoughts merging with their father's. Most of them also have ADHD and dyslexia to help them learn Latin and Ancient Greek and to help them concentrate in battle (though some possess one of these abilities only while others possess none). Because these children are part god, they have enhanced physical characteristics, near-inhuman reflexes, an affinity for the Greek or Latin language, and may have some level of control or skill over the realm of their godly parent. Demigods are the end result of a god and a mortal (oftentimes a human) having a child together.

Demigod test